Saturday, November 24, 2007

Silver City Carshow ^^

The "New" Cake! ^^v

Kuya Rem and Me @ Teh Silver City Carshow ^-^

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ingress @ SMX Convention Center ^^v

It was the first time for me to be in the ingress of a carshow. I was so excited to be there as we arrived and had dinner at MOA in Kimchi Fastfood. We were waiting for the entry of Jworks for me to make their tarpaulin. It was really cool! We almost finished around 2-3am and bought some iced tea - 'our favorite drink' and some food at Wendy's before we went back home. ^-^ It's been raining hard and I got to stay with my close friend LR until the next day. I wasn't able to catch some sleep but it's worth it. ^^v

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Birthday Cake :)

Weee~! Me and My Bro's Birthday Cake :D