Thursday, May 29, 2008

Too Bad

Got drunk with Mr. Y.. Too bad.. I owe him a Jollibee treat!! @_@

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Mr. Raggae :D

Isay, Grace, Mr. Raggae, Me, & Lace ^-^

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Run! Run!! Run!!!

I was about to go home when Red and other agents invited me to go with them at Home Depot to have a drink. We arrived there and got some drinks at Pier One. Made a call outside Pier One when I saw Mr. Y driving, I ran and knock on his window. I missed him so much!.. I forgot that he knew that I was overdosed. Arr... I ran back in Pier One and he texted me to join him at Carbon. I should've joined him.. T_T We meet downstairs..never care for anyone big hugs and kisses from him. We don't even care that people are already staring at us. *Sigh* Here we go again...

Friday, May 23, 2008

Ryan - Who Saved Me...

After last June 19 & 20 with Mr. Y , I didn't know that I was already overdosed with the medicine I took. I'm so thankful that Ryan called me "LOTS" of times since I was asleep whole night till 3pm in the afternoon. It was lucky that Ryan called me to pick me up at home to meet up with him. I got so scared and felt dizzy. If he didn't make that calls, I'm probably dead by now. Thank you Ryan...

Friday, May 16, 2008

"Mr. Y" :D

Finally, I was able to be with Mr. Y!! ^-^ Haha! Very adventurous guy and fun to be with. :) Dangerous as well at that I may add. ;P

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Tried One >:)

I'm one of them!! ;)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Flower :P

Flower from Love - Tagaytay :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

...Need Stitches...

*Sigh* crying and very depressed after the meeting in Newport when I heard the news about my baby..

James, thank you for cheering me up and for being with me..

Friday, May 02, 2008

My Cross Tattoo ^^v

Inked By: Juan Lou :)