Monday, May 28, 2007

Ready Or Not

I don't want to waste my time writing some stupid things right now. I'm about to errupt like a volcano!

Things to do:
1.) I will help Kyle get a job.
2.) I will help Kyle get a job.

Lastly, when he gets a CallCenter job then I 'might' leave him. I don't really want to have a CallCenter Boyfriend!

I've once had a CallCenter (ex-boyfriend), all I can say, "BANGAG SYA PARATI". "ANTOK SYA PARATI". - Like Kyle in Big Picture.

His famous line: "I have to get home, I'm tired and I want to get some sleep".
My famous line: "What the fuck was that again?! ANTOK KA NA NAMAN?!" (Everyday).

Anyway, I don't want to stop Kyle's opportunity and likes. He likes to work on a CallCenter, so why shouldn't I support him? Maybe it's destined for him - to work in a CallCenter!

Some say, follow what you really want to do. So I want to give Kyle the chance to do what he wants, to be a Customer Service Relations.

I hate to say this, but I have to adjust again.

Or maybe I should find some time for me to ponder and do some internal journey for myself. I better should.

I don't even know what's happening with me lately.

Lots of things are already kept inside me and I'm trying to figure things out - that I can't seem to get out of it. HELP! HELP! HELP!

Nah! No one will listen to me and no one understands me. Then why should I cry for help? Silly! ;)

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