Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Eiga Sai 2008 :D

Eiga Sai 2008 - In celebration of Philippines - Japan Friendship Month. Baby Jeimuzu and his friends watched Japanese Films at Shangri-La because it is required for them to watch it for their Nihonggo Class. I'm glad Baby Jeimuzu asked me to follow which I was able to watch one film, "A Stranger Of Mine". ^-^ The only thing that pissed us was the guy who's sitting beside us, his phone keeps on ringing - he should've used silent mode, he keeps on munching and the wrapper of the chips are so loud, and etc. But I really enjoyed the movie, I hope Baby Jeimuzu did to. :P After watching the film, we drop off his friends at their house and had a dinner at xiao chi in Banawe. :)

Weee~! Looking forward for the Anime Marathon - Jpop Anime Matsuri, scheduled on July 26 and 27. ^^

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