Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Sis To Sis Date :)

I am having a bad day today 'again'. Things aren't going well. When I woke up, I log on to my Pet Society game and was excited when I bought the monster couch worth 5,000 coins; hard to earn it, I save the game immediately, but there has been a bug that when you save the game, all the things will be gone. I tried to report it and waited for their respond. I still have to go to the Nokia Care Alimall and have to prepare to buy a battery cover for my n95 because it's broken. When I get there, I found out that they're having an inventory. I got a cab and try to get to SM Annex Nokia Care and see if they still have battery cover for my phone. But when I was about to pay for the cab, the taxi driver parked the car along Edsa main road, he's asking me to pay him for 750 since he was an airport cab. We had an arguement and told me that I should pay him fast because we were on the main road of Edsa and told me that police might caught us. Not thinking, I paid him and tried to look for the telephone number and plate number on the side of the door, but I found nothing in it. So I began to be more depressed and walk in the mall to find the Nokia Care, I asked around and try to find it. I was even walking not knowing that a father was taking a picture of her daughter and walk through it, I said my apologies lots of times. Alas, I found the Nokia Care, it was a looong wait. People are quiet and sitting at the couch, some are already mad and uneasy. I took the chance of trying to ask if they're selling battery cover for my phone to be sure I'm waiting for the long line for something. They told me that I should request and will be able to get it in 2-3 weeks. I can't wait any longer for the cover because I can't use my phone without it, the battery will just pop out. I still waited for my turn and call Ekans to tell him everything that happend - I was about to cry, but I tried to hold my tears back. After awhile, it's my turn now, the first charge is 400+pesos just for the cover, I asked the girl to check again because last time I bought it was only around 80+pesos in Greenhills Nokia Care. She double-checked it and aid that she was sorry and told me that it was only 112pesos. I gave her my payment and she asked me for my cellphone so that she can get the serial number for my phone. I couldn't believe it that she borrowed my phone for 3-4 times. She told me that the computer doesn't accept the serial, it hang, and etc. I thought of the bad day I'm having and stayed there at the chair quietly, tears try not to roll down my eyes. She ask some help from her manager and remind her that there will still be a processing fee of 200pesos. The girl asked me to add the amount for the processing fee which I was thinking why should I pay for the processing fee since when I bought one in Greenhills Nokia Care, I only paid them 80+pesos for my battery cover. Maybe they just changed the rules, it's been 1 year since I last bought one. Alas, done with the Nokia Care thing, I want to go to Trinoma - I was thinking what safest way to go there. Scared of what might happen again. I ask for the guard to give me the safest route, so far, I made it in Trinoma alive!

When I got to Trinoma, I try to find a temporary battery cover in tiangge, and found this - pink battery cover - loved it! :)

And treat myself in Dashing Diva for a new retouch for my nail polish. The place is very soothing. :D

Meet with sis and had dinner at Mcdo then went to sing in Timezone - Karaoke! We had fun, sis got 100 score! ^-^

We went to Banana Peel and saw a cute japanese character design in slippers and bought my medicine in Mercury before we try to get to Crazy Crepe, sad to say, I didn't make it again - we also tried to walk in The Block but they're already close too. -___- We decided to just watch last full show of Monsters Vs. Aliens. We enjoyed the movie because it's really funny and a nice flick! :)

We still don't want to go home, so we decided to play billiards in Tomas Morato in Gatsons. ^^v

Whew! Watta day! ^-^

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