Friday, March 07, 2014

Meet Sparkle ♡

March 5, 2014: It could've been Tuna's 1st birthday celebration with us, but something happened along the way that we cannot control.. Honestly, I'm having a hard time to move on.. Not a day pass, I'm missing Tuna alot and sometimes hallucinate that he is still alive or hoping he'll come back to life.. On a side note, a new blessing came tonight, a sweet lovely kitty.. (cleaning her up when beb took this photo) .. She's so adorable and very friendly.. Could this be heaven sent to us by Tuna?.. One of the neighbors told us she just fell from above.. *shrugs* .. Btw, we named her "Sparkle".. Her eyes sparkle everytime she looks at me.. ♡ Tuna, who is now an angel.. Thank you for bringing her to us.. I love you..

Thank you for this photo beb.. ♡

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