Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Chef Lau's Pugon Roaster

Cake tasting. ♡ Chef Lau's Pugon Roaster never fails to bring a smile on my face everytime I dine in their resto. I'm glad they put one at SM Sanlazaro, it's very accessible and convenient for me to go there than their branch in Ayala. Hehe! Plus I always get to order their pastries after my main course. Some of the cakes I've tried was the Blueberry Cheesecake (Blueberry is oozing), Dark Chocolate Cheesecake (I love the 'whole' dark chocolate bar in the middle of the cake), Mango Cheesecake (heavenly and dreamy), and Queso De Bola Cheesecake (I love the twist). ♡ Guys, I would highly recommend their Dark Chocolate Cheesecake, but still all the pastries are very mouthwatering and have their own original taste that was baked by Mrs. Laudico. ♡ Oh no, my sweet tooth is waking up my tummy. Hahaha! Ciao! ;)

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