Sunday, January 30, 2005

Imagining..It's Still Me and You...

This is the second day of my "own" life. I can still remember the first day (Jan.27) when me and my Bad Kitty broke up. I felt like my heart broke into pieces that I was about to die.. All these days, I've been trying to deal myself knowing no one is beside me right now. My bro isn't home yet.. Everynight I always end up drunk... I don't have someone to turn to.. Luckily my Sweet has his cousin and friends to share with. I know my Sweet Weightless hates me for sharing my hurting that's why I still kept it until now.. I've been so sad, down, depressed, regretting, struggling, and hurting. I've been trying to keep myself busy, but still I can't help but involuntarily reminisce that makes me cry so much.. I've been used to with my Sweet always beside me... I hope he could hear me say..I need him so much..I want him beside me..I want his hug..I want him to be beside me... I guess these things will be impossible since he told me he's waiting for me to ask him to marry him, that's when he'll come back to me... It'll take a long way to go for me to save some money for our wedding.. I hope he can still wait for me..but if he wants to find somebody else, I'd have to set him free...

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