Friday, February 24, 2006

State of Emergency

The "State of Emergency" was declared by GMA this afternoon. Here are some photos I took from Villamor Air Base, Fort and Edsa Shrine. I was on my way to work; everywhere is traffic and lots of work and schools are closed especially in Makati. For me, my work doesn't have any excuses since I was in real estate. In fact, there are lots of sales when there's happenings such as today, rallies, welga, coup'd etat, people's power and stuffs. We've also talked to the armies to allow us to go inside the Villamor (Newport City) where my work was, but they just refused and turned us down. There are lots of armies, SWATS, tanks, and their equipments in the street; they were all armed with guns and ammos. You'll see media and press' around; RPN9, TV Patrol, GMA7, and etc. giving their own reports and interviewed some of the high ranked people. Sad to say, I don't know their names but I saw them and even talked to them by giving my invitations.

Casper?! -___- My Sweetieby, got mad at me, since I totally understand him because he was so worried for my safety but still I insist to go their by myself because of my "Imagination" thingy that my Sweetieby was always there beside me. I almost thought that he's gonna leave me because of what I just did; I panic and got scared than of the happenings today. /swt


TV Patrol near Edsa.

Edsa Shrine early in the morning.

Song: "Gloria Step Down". This was taken beside our car.

GMA7 news reporter making his reports.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

...Thank You...

Mami Teray - My one and only "Shock Absorber"!! Thanks for all the patience you've given me; the love, care, understanding, trust, faith, and your ears to listen everytime I rant. What can I say?! You're the best!! When I say it, I mean it!! You know me pretty well mami teray, I know you read me already, that's enough to prove the things I've just said. I don't know how to thank coz until now, he's been with me and he never did leave me despite of all my problems and rants. This guy is the only one who can take whatever I do. Why? It's because I haven't heard him say anything on me even if I know that sometimes I hurt him so badly and I shout on him; still you won't hear anything but he'll comfort you instead and make you smile. He has everything that no one can ever give to anyone else. Thanks for everything mami teray and I would also like to say sorry.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Smile :)

Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through for you.

Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying
You'll find that life is still worthwhile if you just smile.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentines Day!! ^-^

My gift for my own this Valentines Day! :) Isn't it cool?! Mami Teray was right, I should have bought this long ago. Hehehe! ;)

Monday, February 13, 2006


In the words of the Mongolian creation myth: There came a wild dog who was blue and gray and whose destiny was imposed on him by the heavens. His mate was a roe deer.

Thus begins another love story. The wild dog with his courage and strength, the doe with her gentleness, intuition, and elegance. Hunter and hunted meet and love each other. According to the laws of nature, one should destroy the other, but in love there is neither good or evil, there is neither construction nor destruction, there is merely movement. And love changes the laws of nature.

In steppes where I come from, the wild dog is seen as feminine creature. Sensitive, capable of hunting because he has honed his instincts, but timid too. He does not use brute force, but strategy. Courageous, cautious, quick. He can change in a second from a state of complete relaxation to the tension he needs to pounce on his prey.

And what about the doe?

The roe deer has the male attributes of speed and an understanding of the earth. The two travel along together in their symbolic worlds, two impossibilities who have found each other, and they overcome their own natures and their barriers, they make the world possible too. That is the mongolian creation myth: out of two different natures love is born. In contradiction, love grows in strength. In confrontation and transformation, love is preserved.