Friday, February 24, 2006

State of Emergency

The "State of Emergency" was declared by GMA this afternoon. Here are some photos I took from Villamor Air Base, Fort and Edsa Shrine. I was on my way to work; everywhere is traffic and lots of work and schools are closed especially in Makati. For me, my work doesn't have any excuses since I was in real estate. In fact, there are lots of sales when there's happenings such as today, rallies, welga, coup'd etat, people's power and stuffs. We've also talked to the armies to allow us to go inside the Villamor (Newport City) where my work was, but they just refused and turned us down. There are lots of armies, SWATS, tanks, and their equipments in the street; they were all armed with guns and ammos. You'll see media and press' around; RPN9, TV Patrol, GMA7, and etc. giving their own reports and interviewed some of the high ranked people. Sad to say, I don't know their names but I saw them and even talked to them by giving my invitations.

Casper?! -___- My Sweetieby, got mad at me, since I totally understand him because he was so worried for my safety but still I insist to go their by myself because of my "Imagination" thingy that my Sweetieby was always there beside me. I almost thought that he's gonna leave me because of what I just did; I panic and got scared than of the happenings today. /swt


TV Patrol near Edsa.

Edsa Shrine early in the morning.

Song: "Gloria Step Down". This was taken beside our car.

GMA7 news reporter making his reports.

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