Sunday, September 23, 2007


Sept. 23, 2007
I went to Kyle's house to talk to him about everything (esp. to what I just saw last night at the GRC Carshow with a new girl). He told me she was his new girlfriend..I was about to cry but I have to hold back the tears that's about to fall down from my eyes.


...Sorry, I can't express or put my hurtings in words - I just feel it inside me that's keeping my whole self tore apart. I wish someone can make me whole again like what Kyle always do to me (when we're still 'we') but I'm all by myself now...

1 comment:

Tiiin* said...

hi! saw u on my rbj readership.. so i checked u out! ^^

anyway, it would be dumb for me to ask if u'r ok and i don't think i'd be able to give u comfort if i hug u bcoz we're not close? that might just piss u off..

the thing is.. i think that if ur heart is broken, u shud be letting it all out.. scream if u want to.. cry if u want to.. it feels good, promise.. :)

afterwards, go pamper urself and move on :D if it doesn't matter to him that u'r no longer together, y shud it matter to u? ;)

cheer up! ^^