Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Updating My Blog For 2008-Year End ;)

Updating my blog for 2008-year end. ;)


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Monday, December 29, 2008

1st Attempt?

1st attempt to talk to Vitknyt but I couldn't do it... Can't let him go... :(

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Saturday, December 27, 2008


It's just a simple word "ugly" that makes my whole world apart again. I can't forget what Vitknyt's girlfriend told me or might as well say even Vitknyt told her that just to get an excuse. What is real or not? I don't know. All I think is after my past with LR, Mr. Y, and other guys who tried to lift me up and made me feel I'm special and made me whole again - it just dropped like a blink of an eye. I feel so degraded these past few days after reading all the texts of Vitknyt's girlfriend last Christmas. I don't know how to cope up again. I had a problem with myself since I think I was ugly because of people and classmates tease me, not hearing good stuff on how I look, and how they call me wierd names or something, so I tried to run from it, changed how I look for something new, until they let me feel I'm special and taught me that some people appreciates and loves me for who I am - that makes me whole and not to think that I'm just some ordinary girl - they proved to me that I should be proud of myself. But know, the word "ugly" keeps on sinking in my mind. It really hurts me to think that I'm starting to go back again from the start. Huhuhu...

Friday, December 26, 2008

Blanked Mind

I don't know what I feel right now. There are lots of choices to think over with Vitknyt and yet after what happened last night, everything seemed to melt and sadness feels within me again. Things that are running in my mind became fuzzy again. Lots of options to choose from, but it's more harder to decide because it will just end up on the same ending - HURT and PAIN..

Yet..after everything...

I still want to go on and see how the story ends..

It's just that I'm too blind to see when I like someone so much..

Ps. Vitknyt hasn't called yet...

Thursday, December 25, 2008

...Christmas Nightmare...

...My Christmas Nightmare with Vitkynt... :(

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!! =)

Merry Christmas!! xD This is me with my one-color hair extension, it really matched the rest of the hair color - ALAS! ^-^

My little guardian angel & me ^-^

Moo with my Bro's Christmas present to me *I don't have a name for him yet* =)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Crazy Over Crepe!! xD

I went to Greenhills Crazy Crepe and had Mango Jubilee with Vanilla IceCream! Super Yummy!! xD

Friday, December 19, 2008

Cupcakes :P

Yummy cupcakes from Sanzei!! :P

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Song For The Day-16 ^^

MYMP - Set You Free
We often fool ourselves
And say that it's love
Only cause when it's gone We end up being lonely
So how are we to know That it just isn't so
That we just have to let each other go
There were many times
When we shared precious moments
But later realized they were only stolen moments
So how are we to know That it just wasn't so
That we just had to let each other go

If loving you is all that means to me
When being happy is all I hope you'd be
Then loving you must mean
I really have to set you free

Each day remains my love for you
Keeps growing stronger But everytime we meet
Makes leaving you so much harder
So how are we to know That this just wasn't so
That we just have to let each other go

If loving you is all that means to me
When being happy is all I hope you'd be
Then loving you must mean
I really have to set you free
Letting go is not an easy task
When smiling feels like
I must wear this lonely mask
It hurts deep inside And I just cannot hide
That there's anguish at the thought
That we should have to part

If loving you is all that means to me
When being happy is all I hope you'd be
Then loving you must mean
I really have to set you free

If loving you is all that means to me
When being happy is all I hope you'd be
Then loving you must mean
I really have to set you free

Monday, December 15, 2008

Hair Extension

The Power of Hair Extension ^-^

Sunday, December 14, 2008

...The New Cut... T_T

December 6, 2008 - Had my hair cut. I hate it! Planning to have it hair extension.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

This is it!

This is it! Last day of Me and Vitknyt will be together. After his work, we had our last game of Counter Strike. We took a cab because I will still be going to meet bro at Sm North and he can drop off to Santolan to ride a bus. Inside the cab, I can't stop myself from wanting to hug him tight and so I did. When he went down to the cab at Santolan, sadness and loneliness filled me and tears start to fall. Whew! It's gonna be a long long time until we will meet again. I don't know how to go through each day without him and makes me more confused with my decisions.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Party ^-^

Christmas party with the Designer Blooms - I got this book from my exchange gift ^-^

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Midnight Tiangge @ Greenhills ^^

After Vitknyt's work, we went to eat and shop at the Tiangge in Greenhills. We had ihaw-ihaw (pusit and liempo). Yummy! ^-^ Wish we were still able to try the Shisha too but decided to just have a few talks and spend time together. :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Me =)

Photographer: Vitknyt

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Friday, November 28, 2008


I don't know how it started..but with Zetzera (Eric) - He gave the name "Vitknyt" for the guy from my Dreamville. =)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Twilight :P

Watched Twilight with the guy in my Dreamville ^-^

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

My First Godchild - Baby Keith ^-^

Richelle, Jiel, and Baby Keith ^-^

Friday, November 14, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

In The Name Of Love

In the name of love..the most stupid thing I did was to wait for the guy in my Dreamville in Airport for his arrival in Manila from Iloilo. I took the risk if I can still see him and get a hug from him. I was with Kuya Efren - the taxi driver who also gave me hope and strength. We stayed there and he accompany me throughout the afternoon. Luckily, they guy called me from Iloilo Airport and told me his schedule and flight at PAL. I was so excited to see him again and ride a shuttle to Centennial2. I saw the Marriott Hotel and Newport City. If the guy didn't tell me his schedule, I'm still in NAIA3 waiting for no one. I'm still glad that we were able to see each other.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Friday, November 07, 2008

Birthday Present :)

Birthday present from Bro!! :D

Thursday, November 06, 2008

No More Hightlights T_T

No more highlights.. T_T Huhuhu...

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Speechless... ^^

Birthday present from the guy in my Dreamville...Speechless.... - 2 dozens of roses ^-^

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Flight To China

Mr. Y's flight to China. He wants me to be well when he gets back to Philippines. I'm trying to decide over things right now since I want to stay for good with the guy I had in my dreamville even if he just dumped me by saying "nandidiri sya saken" last night just because of the girl to girl thingy - too much conversative.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Damn Hurts

It really hurts so much after someone dumped me...

Friday, October 24, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

Song For The Day-15 ^^

Westlife - Close
Across the miles
It's funny to me
How far you are but now
Near you seem to be
I could talk all night
Just to hear you breathe
I could spend my life
Just living this dream
You're all I'll ever need

You give me strength
You give me hope
You give me someone to love someone to hold
When I'm in your arms
I need you to know
I've never been
I've never been this close

With all the lovers
I used to know
I kept my distance I never let go
But in your arms I know I'm safe
'Cause I've never been held
And I've never been kissed in this way
You're all I'll ever need
You're all I'll ever need

Close enough to see it's true
Close enough to trust in you
Closer now than any words can say

And when, when I'm in your arms,
I need you to know I've never been
I've never been this close

You give me strength
You give me hope
You give me someone to love someone to hold
When I'm in your arms
I need you to know
I've never been
I've never been
I've never been
I've never been this close

Sunday, October 19, 2008

No Words Can Express

No words can express what I'm feeling right now... :'(

Friday, October 17, 2008