Saturday, December 27, 2008


It's just a simple word "ugly" that makes my whole world apart again. I can't forget what Vitknyt's girlfriend told me or might as well say even Vitknyt told her that just to get an excuse. What is real or not? I don't know. All I think is after my past with LR, Mr. Y, and other guys who tried to lift me up and made me feel I'm special and made me whole again - it just dropped like a blink of an eye. I feel so degraded these past few days after reading all the texts of Vitknyt's girlfriend last Christmas. I don't know how to cope up again. I had a problem with myself since I think I was ugly because of people and classmates tease me, not hearing good stuff on how I look, and how they call me wierd names or something, so I tried to run from it, changed how I look for something new, until they let me feel I'm special and taught me that some people appreciates and loves me for who I am - that makes me whole and not to think that I'm just some ordinary girl - they proved to me that I should be proud of myself. But know, the word "ugly" keeps on sinking in my mind. It really hurts me to think that I'm starting to go back again from the start. Huhuhu...

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