Saturday, March 28, 2009

Movie Skull Mode

Andrew and his friends invited me to watch a movie at Trinoma. I was so down thinking about Vitknyt since this is the third day he hasn't text me - my countdown on his manual is four days (he told me that I should forget him if he didn't call or text me within four days). Andrew pick me up at house after dinner and meet his friends.

By the way, today is the Earth Day, Trinoma had an event in which they close all electricity for an hour. Here's what we found out. Rhea and me took pictures of girls with fire sticks while the guys beat their drums.

We watched the last full show flick "Knowing" featuring Nicholas Cage.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Bosay Resort

Comfy Footwear ^-^

Monday, March 16, 2009

...The Last Day...

I didn't know that this was the last day I'm going to see Vitknyt. Before I went to Kuya Juan, my tattoo artist to give the P100 (I thought that's the reason I was jinxed last Friday the 13th), Vitknyt called me to say that his salary will be cut down and the company of his lola is cost cutting and giving their employees more vacation leave. He planned not to go back here in Manila anymore since there's no reason to stay in his work with a low salary, instead to stay in Iloilo, his hometown and wait until his flight to Singapore. I was really hoping that after two weeks, I'd still be able to see him, but it just turned the other way around.

That time, I don't know if I was still to go to meet him or not. But still, I went and meet up with him. I said to myself that I will not cry and try to hold back the tears if I was about to cry. I don't want Vitknyt to see me crying and how hard for me to see him leave, but I have to.

So far, I'm glad he'll be fine now. He missed his family, and he will be there till he flies to Singapore. Though honestly, I envy with his girlfriend, they "ALWAYS" texts and call - communicate, they won't miss each other that much because they're communicating "EVERYDAY". While me, What am I? I'm just some silly girl stupidly waiting for Vitknyt to look for me if he just needs anything or if he has a problem - that's when the time he'll contact me. See the difference? That hurts alot, but what can I do? I love Vitknyt. That's how much I loved him.

Now, If you readers read this entry, you might think or wonder, why that I was so stupid for this guy, I might write something about this guy on my next entry. Something to remember and reasons why.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday The 13th

I was jinx!! - Friday The 13th. I just bought my laptop home from Toshiba after 3 to 4 days and got a new tattoo behind my ear and neck. But when I got home, I plugged my n95 and external hard disk (my backup files and projects) at my laptop before installing any softwares, I didn't know that there's still the virus in it. All my pictures in my n95 became NEF config file and was deleted and everything got broken, with our desktop computer since I also tried to plug my n95 there to see if I can still recover some of my pictures in my phone. I even tried to save some of my files in my external hard disk, but the virus can't be deleted. Everything got infected by the Surabaya Virus. Ouch! Watta Friday the 13th..

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Nail Art ^-^

Nail Art - By: Joyce @ Cosmopolitan, it only costs P100 to get it all done. ^-^

Monday, March 09, 2009


I found this at the internet - parfaitgfx - One of the sponsors, I was surprised! :) I thanked LR for putting me in the lists. :D

Thursday, March 05, 2009

parfaitgfx's Stickah!! xD

After meeting with Mr. Y, I was able to meet up with Kuya Rem and LR near our house. Weee! They've put a parfaitgfx sticker on the RC, I was so happy they put one even if they don't have my real logo. ^-^