Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday The 13th

I was jinx!! - Friday The 13th. I just bought my laptop home from Toshiba after 3 to 4 days and got a new tattoo behind my ear and neck. But when I got home, I plugged my n95 and external hard disk (my backup files and projects) at my laptop before installing any softwares, I didn't know that there's still the virus in it. All my pictures in my n95 became NEF config file and was deleted and everything got broken, with our desktop computer since I also tried to plug my n95 there to see if I can still recover some of my pictures in my phone. I even tried to save some of my files in my external hard disk, but the virus can't be deleted. Everything got infected by the Surabaya Virus. Ouch! Watta Friday the 13th..

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