Sunday, August 31, 2008

Craziest Thing I've Done - A Night To Remember

I don't reply to Mr. Y or answer any of his call. Tonight, I was shocked that he was there outside our showroom when I went back. I'm a little bit guilty for asking him why he's there and what's he doing - he just told me that he texted me and I wasn't replying or answering his calls. I had a bad day today, lots of clients and wasn't able to see baby Jeimuzu at Eastwood that afternoon when he was there - wanting to see baby Jeimuzu so badly. So Mr. Y told me if he should wait for me after my work is done or if I want him out. Arr.. Can't do that since some of our agents also told me to get rest now, it's been whole day until 9pm. Mr. Y knew I haven't had my dinner yet, so we went to cheesecake. It was the first time he hugged me without any harassment. He just hugged me tight and keeps asking me if I feel better. I hugged him so long and he was holding my head on his chest. After, we went to his place to get some wine. We stayed at the playground, finish the bottle of wine, get some stories and things to tell and share, and he asked me if I feel more better. Next was the swimming pool! - God! water is cold, but I really missed it. Things went well, after in the pool, had shower and we headed to Dolce. I feel so happy and some of my problems and stress has lessen. I also met Luis from Wax Daddy at Nx. We had some chit-chat - told me about Kyle and stuff. We dance and drink till we wait for my curfew time. Luis took me home because Mr. Y got drunk. At last, Mr. Y got drunk!! I really had fun tonight!

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