Friday, August 08, 2008

Thanks Baby...

Baby, thanks for being with me.. I don't know why I feel so safe and secure everytime you're beside me when I'm always troubled.. You never left me when you knew things aren't going well.. I don't even know how to show my appreciation, you are truly the best! You are like a rainbow that comes after the rain, an angel-sent to me and God gave you to me at the right time.. I'm so glad I have someone like you.. You're the only person who made me feel what's been truly loved.. From what I do to my past bf's, I felt it from you.. From asking and just going to see them to get a hug, sweetness, caring, understanding, biting, and etc., letting me realize and feel what I used to do with my past bf's - you exceeded everything.. It's so hard for me to put things down in words, what I really want to tell you can't get out of inside me.. Holding back everything I wanted to do and say, trying not to carefully study what keeps on telling inside me, afraid to look and learn what's in it.. For once in my life, I feel so blessed and loved having an angel-sent to me named "JAMES"..

Sometimes I even wonder what if I'm back with LR or Mr. Y.. Though they're still contacting me but for LR there seemed to be a little fuzzy between us lately.. :(

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