Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Proposal In Lutie... (*Ü*)

I just want to share that my Sweet Weightless proposed to marry me again in RO. I was shocked he invited me to go to lutie on top of my favorite tambayan, the big strawberry ice cream cake haus and gave me a safety ring. It's too expensive though.. /pif ...(*Ü*)

Warning: Coldness!!

One of my Sweet's dislike was being cold. Honestly, he doesn't know that I've been hurt so much, I don't know how to deal with it because even if I'm not cold, my Sweet would always say I'm still cold. My Sweet Weightless is too sensitive that I need to have lots of patience too. I couldn't even meet his requirements. I know I did my best, but like I said, he doesn't seem to realize it.. He told me that our relationship might end up because of my coldness. I just wish I'd be a human who doesn't have a feeling at all, who doesn't know how to emote, who can bear tons of pain, who doesn't know what 'scared' means, who can be always a sweet gurl..in that way, me and my Sweet won't have a problem. I did all my best because I love him so much... I just hope that one day he'll be able to see it.. *sigh*

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Tequilaaa~!! :P

I thought our date was cancelled today, I was really down and hurt because I long to see my Sweet already. I missed him so much. I never thought he'll surprise me, I was giving out my fliers until I saw him there walking towards me. I'm so shocked and I was really surprised, speechless and thought that I was only day dreaming when I saw my Sweet Weightless was there. As soon as he moves close to me, I hugged him so tight and almost cry because I long to see him and be beside him. Sweet Weightless and I grab some grubs from mini stop first, then we head to have some drink. We had some strong ice, baked mussels, and tequila..! :) It was my first time to drink a tequila, I liked it! My Sweet touched my head and brushes my hair while we are in the couch, I can feel his finger tips runs through it. I think it's true that drinking tequila makes you feel different and it's something you must try but know your limit as you drink it. Safest dosage?! One shot will do! ^^

Thursday, November 25, 2004

My Stuff Toy Collection (*Ü*)

My christmas wish last night from my Sweet Weightless has come true. He just gave me a Spore Doll! ^^ My stuff toy collection has been completed, but one thing that no one can ever had was my ragged-doll `Lyle Alchemist!! (*Ü*) He was the most precious doll in my collection! ;)

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Reminiscin'... Ü (Part1)

There are lots of things we get into that helps us find new friends, find love, and learn from our experiences. I have been stucked on Ragnarok since I've learned how to play it. It's a game that has an interactions which makes you communicate with all the players in RO. A place that's called a Midgard has been another story for me even though it's only an Online Game. :)

My first friend in pRO, Memnoch from Avatar of Astaroths Guild! :) He tanked me until I became an assassin. He's very kind, sweet, and helpful. ^^

My first character assassin named "AnGeL"! :)

My favorite place, Comodo! :P

My second character was a swordsman named "YuNaBeBe". :) I'm with my friend Junglei who helped me using his healing clip. I didn't even know he's a GM from Dark Matter Guild until I became a Knight, he invited me to join his guild. Our guild was the best, because we always had fun and those bonding thingy which makes us solid. ^^ We even came up to an idea we'd beat Untouchables. :D

My third character named "*~ParFaiT~*". :) Parfait has been trying to buy a Wind Katana until my friend sulley helped me get one which I got "Weightless' Wind Katana". Beautiful name huh? :) After my swordsman became a knight, I tried to look for Wind Pike again, but this time, I saw Weightless vending in Prontera. I've tried to ask if I can trade my items with his Wind Pike because I would like to collect his elementals. But he said "NO!" T-T I've tried to ask for his Wind Pike lots of times until I decided to ask if I can have it trade with his own elemental Weightless' Wind Katana for his Weightless' Wind Pike instead, but he said "NO!" again. I got lots of rejections with this Weightless guy, until I tried to save some zenny and buy a nurse cap. Maybe if he sees me, he'll accept my trade for his elementals. Sad to say (nauwi sa wala and no zenny because of the nurse cap.. T-T), that's the last thing I've asked from him because, he reject my offer again. This time I decided to try to save some money to be able to buy it from him. My bro helped me level up Parfait until she became a priestess. Then one day I saw Weightless in the Prontera and sat beside him giving me a "/omg" emoticon. ;) hihi.. Again, I was turned down. T-T Oh well, I might as well save my zenny for his elementals. T-T

The loneliest new year I've ever had if it's not with Memnoch. At first I was using my assassin in Last-Alliance Guild were I met Weightless' girlfriend, Baby Ria. They're so sweet, they keep on shouting I love you's in the guild chat, I envy them so much. While Mars and I are fighting, I wasn't able to be with him in the countdown. I changed my character to Parfait and meet Memnoch in Prontera to spend the new year with him. He even gave me a gift I always bring with me, a hide clip. ^^ Days went by, I tried to forget Weightless while me and Baby Ria became close and starts to trade a load to zenny or a load to items. There I started to save some zennies and I was able to have some items. ^^ Month of February came, I met Weightless in Prontera again and checked on him by saying "hi! how are u?", I didn't know he was having a bad day and typed lots of messages that I can't even find my friends' messages because he typed too fast. -_- That's when I was able to talk with Weightless. Since then, I've able to talk with Weightless until he wants me to find him a girl to date on Valentines.

Feb.14 - Until he asked me to date with him.. (*Ü*)

Feb.15 - His proposal to me if he can marry me! (*Ü*)

The view I can't forget, it calms me down. ^^

The first headgear he gave me was the Erudite Circlet, which I was saving my zenny to buy one. I was really suprised he gave me one. (*Ü*)

We decided to meet at Robinsons. I was so nervous that day, I'm going to meet Weightless! :)

Alas! They met!! :D

-24/7 Weightless' Angel-

Our pics.! :)

ProBlackSmiths.Org's first agit in Prontera. YEAH! :D

My +6 Santa Hat!! >:D

Mar.19 - Our Wedding Day (*Ü*)

My Preciousss..! (*Ü*) It's a suprise from Weightless! (*Ü*) I'm speechless when I opened my account Parfait was wearing a Tiara.. (*Ü*)

Our first baby Weightless.. ^^

Even though she's old enough, she's still our baby.. :)

Geffen Agit! :D

Hunt with atta-bro! >:D wakakakak!

Weightless gave me this bonggun pet that's named after him. ^^

Our Family Pic. :)

Shopping at Prontera?! :D

Something new eh? Ü

Do not sleep during PVP!! >:D

Me and My Baby Sasquatch! :)

-Weightless' Angels- Ü

At the top of a big strawberry ice cream cake haus was one of my favorite tambayan in Lutie.. ^^

At the beach with Weightless who keeps on stepping on the starfish! /pif

See how things happen. Even if this is only an Online Game, it has been sentimentally valued by Parfait and me, it will always be a part of us. Everything we've shared with someone will always be a treasure in our heart that will be with us until we grow old. ^^

Saturday, November 20, 2004

A Time To Heal The Wound

I was so down and confused this morning when I woke up. My Sweet Weightless apologized from what happened last night. I was so ashamed of myself when I read his message because I regret of keeping things from my Sweet Weightless. I can't forget how he got mad at me, that makes me scares more if he'll leave me. I don't know why I love my Sweet so much.. T-T

Friday, November 19, 2004

Ouch!! T-T

Weightless : about the marriage thing? FORGET IT. I won't be marrying you

...Words That Strikes Most...

Weightless : once i snap out, there's no turning back and i won't regret anything because I CAN and I WILL
Weightless : tandaan mo yan
Weightless : and it's easy for me to move on


My kuya dan told me he's not serious because he can easily move on and forget me... T-T

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Malekith, The Butterflies...

I feel really down and sick when Malekith pm-ed me at my YM. I told him about the discharging of blood and the pain I'm having. He explained to me that this is only butterflies in my stomache. I feel relief when he explained that to me. But why of all I had bad butterflies in my stomache?! T-T This cause me to feel lots of pain, sometimes I can't move, stand or walk because this makes me become so weak and tendency I kinda feel dizzy even if I'm only sitting. I hope I had a good butterflies, not a bad butterflies that cause me to bleed. T-T

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

I Thought It's Over T-T

It's been a bad day today since I don't even know if I'm sick. There's been a blood flowing out of me that makes me feel I'm weak. BTW, me and my Sweet Weightless almost broke up. I had to ask and beg him for another chance almost the whole afternoon. I was really scared that I can't help but cry when I heard he'll break up with me especially when he told me that he can move-on easily. Imagine how he told me that sentence, that scares me more. I just can't lose him. He didn't know I was hurt so much. I didn't let him know that or else he'll just end up telling me "you don't have the right to feel that". It's been so long since we had a talk, and there's a time when he almost forgot me. I texted him just to remind him of me. He never text me, I feel like we're away from each other too. I've been busy with my work since I need to close one more sale but still he never text me. Anyway, he wakes up almost in the afternoon, so I still have to wait for his reply. But sometimes, two messages from him is already lucky for me. This relationship is really something. It's different. Now, I'm being given another chance again. I should be more patient and more careful. I've made a vow that I won't talk to Limdul and other boys he doesn't want, I should know what he wants or not, and we'll meet wed. and fri.. Honestly, I'm broke right now. I don't have money, but I can't turn down that vow or else, he might not give me another chance. I'm already scared on what's happening with me now. If he only knew what I'm bringing with me now. I need him beside me, I'm so hurt, and I want to open up with him so I can share my feelings with him. He didn't even know that my bro has a threat on our relationship, bro told me once he'll tell our parents, it's over. I don't know how to place myself now like a normal gurl in a relationship. I envy them.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Being A Boy In A Relationship

I'm a gurl who wants to try to be a boy in our relationship. Even for once, I've been thinking if this would be the best relationship I could give to my Sweet Weightless. I hope this experiment will work things out, so I can correct our relationship. I know it's kinda hard, but all I need to do is to practice. For me, it's not easy to be a guy, maybe at first, because I'll be the one to handle all the things between us, but I know it'll be for the better of our relationship and at the end, it'll be worth for all the hardships. I've been with my team mates at work for so long. I envy them because their gf's meets with them at night and sometimes their bf's goes to them. One of my team mates told me that it's really nice and easy to be a guy if it's in a relationship, he has lots of patience, he lets his girlfriend do anything she wants, etc., that's when I decided to try it. Wish me luck! ;)

Sunday, November 07, 2004

A Secret That Tells I Don't Know What To Do...

Things haven't been so good lately between me and my Sweet Weightless.. I don't know what to do. I've tried to be the best for my Sweet but I think he doesn't seem to realize it or is it that I'm the one who doesn't know how to be the best for my Sweet? Why? Is it because it's always my fault? Why? Because I don't understand my Sweet? I've grown up with a strict parents, I was disciplined that I almost wasn't able to see the world. Honestly, I'm not easy to understand, it's too complicated once you get to know me. I've been emotionally hurted and lots of griefs and hatred are still inside me. It is because on how my parents and friends treats me. How I wish I can go on with my own life now and enjoy. But all of that fades whenever I'm haunted by the things that has happened already. What's past isn't easily forgotten. Some remain in us, some we tend to forget. Plus my Sweet is too sensitive that sometimes it'll lead us always to a fight and arguements. Sometimes I ride with him, or else, things won't go well between us. I want to have more patience in order to work out our relationship. But even if I did, we still fight. It's a matter on how my Sweet will handle the situation though. I base it there! Because, sometimes I can't understand my Sweet. Like I made this blog and told him to visit it if he has time, but what do I get? I thought he'll like it but he didn't, he doesn't understand that he's the one who inspired me to these stuffs. When will he become proud of me as her girlfriend? Some people already did, but what about my own boyfriend? Btw, after he learn about this blog, he wants to erase the blog he did for me, it's just because I made this one, my first blog. Everytime I ask him what's the website addy of my blog, he always tells me that I always write on my blog full of rants, whines and things that I can't tell him. Well, sometimes it's true, because I have good reasons too. If I tell my Sweet a certain problem or some rants, we'll just end up fighting. Then better not tell him right? or I'll end up with his sentence such as: "wag mo ako uunahan", it means, if I'm the one who gets cold first, he'll be cold too. That's the reason why I can't even tell him my rants and stuffs. One more thing, I feel like I'm a boy in our relationship, though "ako sumusuyo sa kanya palagi" unlike what I heard from Sieg and Shaela's relationship, Sieg always look for Shaela in guildchat first while me and my Sweet are the reverse side of it. How about Shaela wanted to leave Insu and quit RO? Sieg just talked to her and now, Shaela is back again, in fact, she's now on a party for leeching in Comodo. Lucky her! Unlike for my Sweet, he'll just end up saying those threatening words and sentences such as: "I'll quit RO"; "We always fight in RO, I'll just quit RO now"; "I'll leave the guild"; etc. How will I compare all these things?

Friday, November 05, 2004


This is only a sample for my chatterbox design! :D

Thursday, November 04, 2004

My First Blog!! ^^

Test? Test! 1..2..3..! Yeah!! :) At last! My first blog is here!! :) Aside from what my Sweet Weightless gave me "http://parfait.insurrectionweb.com" blog site. I've been wanting to do a blog since I met my him because he was the one who inspired me with lots of things that's connected with pc stuffs. ^^ Kinda weird though, but it's really something knowing my Sweet Weightless. Hihi..! ;)

This is my Sweet Weightless Baby Sasquatch!! :)