Tuesday, November 16, 2004

I Thought It's Over T-T

It's been a bad day today since I don't even know if I'm sick. There's been a blood flowing out of me that makes me feel I'm weak. BTW, me and my Sweet Weightless almost broke up. I had to ask and beg him for another chance almost the whole afternoon. I was really scared that I can't help but cry when I heard he'll break up with me especially when he told me that he can move-on easily. Imagine how he told me that sentence, that scares me more. I just can't lose him. He didn't know I was hurt so much. I didn't let him know that or else he'll just end up telling me "you don't have the right to feel that". It's been so long since we had a talk, and there's a time when he almost forgot me. I texted him just to remind him of me. He never text me, I feel like we're away from each other too. I've been busy with my work since I need to close one more sale but still he never text me. Anyway, he wakes up almost in the afternoon, so I still have to wait for his reply. But sometimes, two messages from him is already lucky for me. This relationship is really something. It's different. Now, I'm being given another chance again. I should be more patient and more careful. I've made a vow that I won't talk to Limdul and other boys he doesn't want, I should know what he wants or not, and we'll meet wed. and fri.. Honestly, I'm broke right now. I don't have money, but I can't turn down that vow or else, he might not give me another chance. I'm already scared on what's happening with me now. If he only knew what I'm bringing with me now. I need him beside me, I'm so hurt, and I want to open up with him so I can share my feelings with him. He didn't even know that my bro has a threat on our relationship, bro told me once he'll tell our parents, it's over. I don't know how to place myself now like a normal gurl in a relationship. I envy them.

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