Sunday, November 28, 2004

Tequilaaa~!! :P

I thought our date was cancelled today, I was really down and hurt because I long to see my Sweet already. I missed him so much. I never thought he'll surprise me, I was giving out my fliers until I saw him there walking towards me. I'm so shocked and I was really surprised, speechless and thought that I was only day dreaming when I saw my Sweet Weightless was there. As soon as he moves close to me, I hugged him so tight and almost cry because I long to see him and be beside him. Sweet Weightless and I grab some grubs from mini stop first, then we head to have some drink. We had some strong ice, baked mussels, and tequila..! :) It was my first time to drink a tequila, I liked it! My Sweet touched my head and brushes my hair while we are in the couch, I can feel his finger tips runs through it. I think it's true that drinking tequila makes you feel different and it's something you must try but know your limit as you drink it. Safest dosage?! One shot will do! ^^

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