Thursday, December 29, 2005

My First Message

As I turn the pages of my notebook, I saw this message, I remember I wrote this when me and my Sweetieby were at the girltext UERM. Just want to share it here in my blog.

Oct.22, 2005
Have you ever felt that this could be the right thing that has happen to you? A guy that's unexpected, who came into your life & loves you for who you are. A guy who makes you feel complete & brightens up your day with his smile. Who understands & supports you in all you do. Kyle, the person I want to share my life with. I thank God for knowing him & I pray that he would be the one for me. A new chapter has arrived & I never realized that this would happen after all. He has everything, the love, caring & support. What else would you ask for? Finding him makes me feel complete & I can be me. Hope things between us will work out this time since we almost have the same experience from the past. I love him so much! Hope that this would be the greatest story love has ever told! :)

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