Sunday, December 18, 2005

One of the Boys!! :P

One of the boys!! :P I've been with my Sweetieby in Banawe to have his amplifiers setup before we went to searchbox. It was really cool because if I'm with my Sweetieby, I learn and see lots of new things. All my curiosity and my likes are there too, so even though I wasn't able to do it, I can see someone else do it and learn something from them by only looking on how they do it. One of the example is when we were in Banawe, I used to like to do those stuffs such as installing gadgets like guys do. While the guy was installing the amplifiers in my Sweetieby's car, I try to get some idea on how they do it. Sometimes, I used to imagine myself doing those stuffs. :P Haha! I really find it very interesting and fun! :)

My Sweetieby's Amplifier :)

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