Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Here We Go Again

February - Month of Love. But still I hear lots of couples are breaking up. Maybe it's just because I'm one of them. My Sweetieby asked for a space. Kinda scary huh? He told me that I "don't" have the "right" to feel those things. If I ask for space from him, did he give me that? Hell no! What about him? He ask for some space, but still I have to give him that or else he would just get mad at me by saying "you don't understand me", "you just think of yourself", etc. He get what he wants! He keeps on telling me that I get what I always want! Did I? Of course, he's the one who gets what he wants or else he'll get mad at me. Btw, I don't know where he really is right now. Same as what Lyle did to me, he wants space, he doesn't want me to text him or anything, because of what? Cheating behind my back? Going somewhere else with someone? That's what I'm scared of. Earlier, when he said he wants space and that he won't contact me, I'm decided to ask for a breakup with him, and retain our friendship. I did! He told me that if I will breakup with him, I will loss him permanently. Lots of things are going inside my mind. Will I let him go or not? It already came to his mouth that I'm not deserving everything he gives me at all. Will I still pursue our relationship? I also thought that he would be happy or even notice that I've been quiet with my problems and stuffs lately. But still, no! What am I thinking? I keep on thinking about him. He's not even listening that I really really need him since this morning. I long for his hug. I long for his caress. What do I get? SPACE! Oh great!

I have to go now. Stop crying. Stay in bed and try to figure things out for myself "again". I'm already having a headache. I might as well try to get some rest.

1 comment:

The BlackhowlinG said...

its not easy loving sumone like that, parfait.. to love sum1 that doesnt necessarily love you back the way you expect them to be.. then again, love moves in mysterious ways indeed... i certainly hope for the best... and wish you luck on ur relationship..

i just hope he wakes up in time that he's hurting someone that knows what the true meaning of love..