Thursday, February 22, 2007



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine the pain your going through right now. For the past couple of months your world revolved around him. He was a big part of your will to live, a reason for you to look forward to tommorow because tomorrow gives you another chance to be with him. Now that he is gone, he has left you with a great void in your heart. a part of you disappered the day he left. The pain I felt when I decided to leave you with Lyle may pale in comparison with what your fealing right now but I can relate to the pain of loosing someone dear to you.

Loosing someone you hold dear to your heart is never an easy ordeal. The pain one goes through is immesurable, more so when you've made him a part of your reason to live. The void he left may make you think that your all alone, that you don't deserve to be loved BUT that is not the case. Sure, you've been hurt but wounds heal, emptiness can be filled. As long as your still alive, the will still be chances of you finally meeting the right guy.

Mourning for your loss is a human reaction but going into prolonged deppression aint the way to go. Listen, I dont want you to be sad. I dont wan't you to loose your cheerful nature. I dont want you to loose your smile. Know that when your sad, I also feal sad. Sad that my one-chan is going through all this pain, sad that I could not do anything to prevent the hopelessness your feeling. If you really need a reason to leave then let us, your friends and family be the reason. If you think that noone needs you then know that this usagi-chan needs you... your friends need you... your family needs you... So please, get over this depression that your feeling now. A lot of us want to see your cheerful smile again. A lot of us wish only yout hapiness.