Monday, February 19, 2007

What's Going On With Us?

Things are starting to fall apart between me and Kyle.
1.) I can't blame him coz even if I didn't mean to hurt him, he would still hurt me. He would say that so we're "quits". KYLE'S MIND - (If you hurt my feelings, I will hurt your feelings too).
2.) He stopped telling me - "I love you".
3.) He told me this awhile ago - "Wala na akong paki-alam sayo".

*Note: After what happened today, I don't feel the love for him anymore. Maybe 1% left. I'm so much hurt. He even promised me that after he resign in BIG Picture Production, he will spend his time with me, but what happend? Nothing! He's spending his time with the E.R.S. more than me. Can't even argue that with him coz he will only tell me that I don't know how to categorize between a "MATERIAL THING" and "ME".

I feel that he's tired of me. I'm already decided that I should help myself start to move-on. I really have no choice but to do this so that I won't get hurt too much. I'm also thankful for him coz he taught me how to be independent, like keeping all my problems within me. Though it makes me feel weak because I'm not used to it, but I think I can still find someone who can catch me anytime I break down. Can't take this anymore. I'm so hurt. I don't know where he is right now - "AGAIN".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

keeping one's problems to himself/herself is not truely a sign of independence. with your personality, i'm sure ya don't wanna bother anybody with your problems thats why your keeping them to yourself but please understand that there are people who truely care for you and would not mind sharing helping you out in times of need. bottom line is that ya aint alone, you have your family and friends who'd support you 100% of the way.
though i have not right to judge kyle since I dont even know him, let me say that a person who cant appreciate the real you aint worth your time and concern. any person who blatantly hurts one-chan is trash in my book. for him to say "wala na akong pakialam sayo" means that from the very start, he did not love your for who you really are, if true love was there from the very start then he should have given his all in maintaining your relationship.
well this is it for now, will continue writing here after i get back from my 8:00am class wakokoko usagi-chan out