Tuesday, February 27, 2007

No Chance. No Return.

1.) We had a fight "again"!
--->Nothing New.
2.) He told me that he's so full of me.
--->*Sigh* Always.
3.) I'm full of drama because I always cry.
--->All girls cry when they are hurt, don't they? Or is it just I'm a cry-baby?
4.) He even poked my feet when my crying face is at his pillow, he told me he's talking to me. (In a threat look).
--->He never poke me when he's mad even once but it made me think if he can hurt me physically coz yesterday involves one even if it is not too hard.
5.) He told me that once he gets full of me, he won't talk to me anymore.
--->There's NO CHANCE left for me once he gets full of me. He even told me that he is FULL OF ME already.
6.) He even told me not to bother him anymore with what he wants to do.
--->I only stop him if he's driving too fast. Did he stop doing that? No, because he told me that's his happiness.
7.) Paranoid me?
--->Yep. Maybe. Because I don't know where he's at always. He arrives home late at night (in fact, at dawn). I don't know where he's been going and what's he up to. Sorry guys especially sorry to Lyle, but I've been there. Boys going to bars late at night, hanging out with gurls and go out with them. Boys meet other girls. They don't even care if you do something else like Sex. Yes, I trust my bf and I know he keeps on telling me that he's loyal. (To give too much trust is risky, it's an advantage like what Lyle did to me *Sorry again if I made you as an example Lyle*). But what is it like if you have a bf who never tells you where he always go? And goes home at dawn? He never calls you or never text you and all you know that he was home. So you tried to call their house and his brothers and sisters will tell you he's not yet home. Then later, you will hear or learn to someone else that he went there with us, he did this with us, and etc. After sometime, you also saw pictures with time and date at dawn. Kumbaga, sa iba mo pa nalaman diba? And you start questioning yourself, why didn't you know that? Is he getting tired of me? Am I not fun to be with? Is he having fun with his friends than being with me?

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