Thursday, March 01, 2007

Things To Do/Remember:

1.) I have no right to Kyle.
2.) I have no right to ask/know where Kyle is.
3.) I should try not to text him too much to avoid him getting full of me.
4.) I should try not to let my world revolve around him.
5.) No S************!! - It can make a Big Difference.
6.) Stop being a stubborn "Makulit" person.
7.) One Question = One Answer.
8.) No "Speak your mind", or else, you'll just end up in a Big Fight.


Anonymous said...

A little snipnet from one of the stories I found in the net. hopefully, you should learn some things from this:

"You see... There was once this girl." he said softly "Young, vibrant, pretty girl. With hair like a purest silk, umblemished, ethereal face of a goddes, eyes of purest jade and a smile that could out shine the sun itself." he slid his hand up, as if catching the morning sun.

"And there was this man... A noble. Not as young like her, but still young and handsome. And rich. He lusted after the girl at a first sight. He did everything he could to win her. Expensive gifts, rarest flowers, lovely poems...
No expense was spared to woo her.

The girl was young, naive and foolish. She fell in love. To her it didn't matter he was older, or that he was form a noble clan that would never accept her.

She was blinded by what she thought was love. So when he asked to come to her bed, she had welcomed him with joy." Naruto turned from the window, his eyes two chips of hard ice.

"But you know that story, don't you Katori Nishino of the most noble Katori Clan?" he spat. "You know how it ended as well, don't you? How the girl became pregnant and told her lover that they would have a child.The lover who, fearful for his position, fearful of being disowned by his father for fathering a child with a poor, low class commoner and - most importantly - fearful of losing infulence he gained if the scandal was to be made known, ordered several thugs to beat her. Which they did. Savagely." The blonde's eyes burned with a cold menace almost dwarfing Katori's pain.

"Raping her, killing her unborn child and leaving her broken and half DEAD!" the blonde reared, his fist crushing a hole into a sturdy brick wall as if it was made of paper. "She lost her child. She lost her beauty. Even her family, shamed by their daughter's 'misconduct' and 'loose morals', furious that they won't be able to use her pretty face to get a good dowry for her, didn't want to have anything to do with her and threw her away. Like trash. But they didn't just throw her out, oh no." he said bitterly. "They figured that since they can't have a dowry, they'd at least have SOMETHING. So they sold her ot the cheapest, lowest brothel they could find." Naruto clenched his fist, before relaxing.

"But as I said before... You know that. No need to tell the story to YOU, of all people." he said softly "But... You see... This was not the end. The girl perservered. Healed. Salvaged as much of her beuty as she could and, later, with the help from the best medic nins money could buy, made herself even more beautiful. She learned. Grew stronger. Wiser." Naruto smiled nastily "She learend the lessons of betrayal, of trust and love... And they served her well.

She learned how to manipulate men and women alike, how to exploit others, how to lure them in. How to USE them... And how to destroy them. She grew powerful. Ruthless. Skilled. But she never lost that little human spark." The blonde's eyes held a far away look. "When she met a small child abandoned by all, lost in country not his own, hungry and on the verge of death in a cold winter in a middle of war... she didn't hesitate to open her arms. She didn't hit, spat or ignore. She took the child in. Nurtured. Taught. Loved. And though their time was brief and they were torn apart by war... The child had NOT forgotten. I had never forgotten." to shards of ice melted into azure pools of utter hatred "So you see... When she called to me... after all these years... How could I say no? After all, I planned on killing you for free when I came here anyway."

Anonymous said...

Fate Breaker

Naruto fanfiction by Fosfor

(Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. I hardly own much of anything, really.)


The world swam slowly into Katori Nishino's focus. His dull grey eyes opened sluggishly, only to close as the sharp rays of the dawning sun hit them with painful intensity.

He tried to shift away, only to freeze as something bit into his uncovered flesh.

He frowned, trying to rise from the chair only to wince at the pain blooming in his legs.


He craned his neck, noticing his body bound by a hair-thin, dull grey thread.

"What the...?" he muttered

"I wouldn't try that if I were you." Lectured a calm voice carrying a hint of amusement "Well, not if you want to keep your limbs realitively intact, anyway."

Nishino turned, or turned as much as his bound body allowed him, to the source of the voice. By his desk - in his own CHAIR, no less! - sat a short, blonde figure of a teenage boy clad in dull grey fatigues. His pale face, framed by wild mess of golden hair, was covered partially by the scroll held in his left hand that his cerulean eyes studied with obvious interest. His free hand twirled a long, slender dagger between the nimble fingers.

"This is an OUTRAGE!" growled the statesman, struggling against his bonds "I have NO idea who you are, but I DEMAND you to release me this instant!" His last word, instead of coming out as intimidating thunder, came out as a pitiful sqeuak as the wires tightened again.

"Yare, yare." sighed the youth, rolling the scroll, "Why do you old people never listen to advice, I'll never know. I though I told you not to struggle?"

Katori tried to say something, but the steady tightening of the wires pressed the air out of his lungs.

"You know, that's an interesting shade... I always thought that 'going green' was figurative..." The blonde muttered, looking on with interest. "Fascinating."

"H-...H-hel...!" The older man desperately crowed

The youth blinked, before snapping his fingers.

"Ah! Right, you can't breathe. Sorry." he said sheepishly.

The wires loosened. Nishino heaved, greedily taking in the life-giving air, before glaring at his captor.

"What is the meaning of this?!" he snarled, trying to regain the dignity the snot took from him "I don't know who you are... But you just made a serious mistake. I'll have you know Iieeee!" he screeched when the wires tightened again.

"I really don't know it what's it with you government types... Each and every one I stumbled into had the very same thing to say." The youth rolled his yes "'You won't get away with this', 'I will make you regret you have ever been born', 'This is your last mistake'... Honestly. One would think that dealing with responsibilities of running a nation, ruling people and dealing with finances, they'd have more grip on reality, but nooooo." the blonde sighed, before getting up from the chair and walking up to his captive.

He looked at the suffocating man thoughtfully, before loosening his right hand.

The wires let go, leaving Nishino heaving once again.

The boy waited a few seconds, before grabbing the elder man's hair and twisting his head up.

"Since you are obviously brain damaged, I'll use small words. I'll say it once. I won't repeat myself. I have power. You do not." Naruto brought his right hand before Nishino's face and started clenching it with deliberate slowness.

Nishino's eyes widened in horror when he felt the wires holding him getting tighter and tighter with each second. By the time the boy clenched his fist halfway, he was already suffocating and nearly writhing in pain as the metal bit into his flesh, drawing blood in several places. With the same, deliberate slowness, the blonde opened his hand, allowing the wires to slack again. "Those wires are coated and reinforced with my chakra." the blonde explained "They are connected through chakra strings to each of my fingers. As long as the chakra charge remains... I can tighten them by barely moving a finger." he wiggled his fingers playfully and several wires bit into Nishino's flesh "or I can channel more chakra and do... THIS." he grinned as Nishino howled, trashing in the chair when electric current went through him
"Raiton can be SUCH a fun toy, don't you think?"

He allowed the technique to fade and sat at the desk, waiting for the poitician to catch his breath.

Nishino looked, for the first time he REALLY looked at this... this monster in a child's skin.

The blonde hair and blue eyes were little bit unnusual, but disregarding that, the child seemed like any other young teenager he had seen in his life, down to the mischivious smile only small, rascal boys are capable of. Hell, give the child black eyes and brown hair, and he would look like the spitting image of his own little cousin!

But once he looked, really, TRULY looked into those two pools of azure...

Nishino swallowed.

He had seen such eyes before. Oh HAD he seen such eyes before. Cold, fearless calculating. Seemingly styiding anything they come across with a clinical detachment of a scientist dissecting a bug. Eyes that took in everything around with attention and focus on even the smallest detail, but also with calm assurance that none of these details couldn't be overcome by their owner swiftly and decisively.

Eyes of a killer. Of a man so drenched in blood, taking a life of another was as natural as breathing.

Eyes of a shinobi.

Nishino licked his lips nervously.

"Listen, let's be reasonable..." he said, trying to remain calm "I'm a powerful man, I'm sure I can p-ieeaaaaeeeeeerrggggh!"

The blonde watched the man trashing in the grip of his raiton with a bored gaze tinted with disgust.

It never amazed him just how little people seemed to care for shinobi's professional pride.

Once bought, you STAY bought.

One of the prime mercenary rules.

Masterless shinobi, nukenin or ronin... Everybody adhered to that rule. Unless they were utter scum.

But then, scum tended to die quickly. Often by the hands of their former comrades.

Without the support granted by the village, trust and reputation were a paramount if a mercenary wanted to survive and work. Without it, a merc might be as god as dead.

A ninja village could renege on the contract, refuse to fulfill a deal or even break the terms outright. A lone mercenary couldn't. His reputation was, quite literally, his life.

Mercenary life offered the freedom that lured many nins into leaving their villages, but it didn't come without a price.

Naruto let the technique fade, looking at the whimpering sack of flesh that was River Country's second most powerful man just an hour ago.

"Coherent?" he asked calmly, recieving a weak nod. "Good."

"What do you..what do you want?" croaked the man fearfully.

"What could an assassin breaking into your office want?" the blonde looked at him with a 'duh' expression. "Not a round of checkers, I assure you."

"Listen... I don't know who hired you, but let's be reasonable here," Nishino said carefully, licking his lips nervously. "However you got here, you won't be getting out. Not with guards all around the comple-"

Blonde's chuckle cut of his speech.

"Guards?" he said with obvious amusement "Those same guards that didn't hear you scream? Or the ones that should check on you every half an hour? Are you talking about THOSE guards?"

Nishino's eyes widened in surprise, suddenly seeing the chil - no... Young man - in a whole new light. His guards were shinobi hand-picked for their body guard skills, none of them below chuunin level. If he had managed to... Well, that put a new spin on the situation.

"So. You killed them all. Very impressive."

The young man scoffed.

"Don't be ridiculous." he said with distaste "I'm a professional. I don't kill anybody I'm not paid to kill. And nobody paid me to slaughter you pathetic little army, so they are quite alive. Just... indisposed." He chuckled nastily for a brief while.

"You, however... You, my little corrupt politician..." He pointed finger at Nishino's face. "I'm paid quite a bundle to remove your head." He looked at the statesman "Though I must admit that I'd propably do it for free in your case." he added thoughtfully.

"Now..." he jumped from the table after amoment of reflection "I'm going to kill you. Since I've been paid shitload of money AND I've been hired by a very good, not to mention utterly HOT friend... This is non negotiable. You're going to die. The end. Sucks to be you, but such is life. At times you order somebody assassinated, other times somebody assassinates you." the young man shrugged philosophically. "Nothing you can do. Now HOW you die, however, is entirely up to you." the blonde pulled out two vials, one with a murky brown, another with a milky white liquid.

"One of those beauties contains some venom from a Kuruga snake, straight from the Coral country." He pointed out the murky brown one "It is fast, efficient, nearly undetectable and painless, if a BITCH to find. You simply fall asleep and die. No pain, no fuss, no mess." He put the vial on the table, presenting the second one "This cutie, is whole another kettle of fish. It's an extract from Anthala plant, the small, blue flower that grows in the mountains of Glacier country. The locals, however have a different name for it." The teen paused for dramatic effect, before whispering "The Bloody Fever's Tear."

"Now WHY is it called that way?" the boy scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Well, let's just say that once you eat it... sweating blood takes a whole new meaning. Kind of literal one, I'm afraid." He looked at the politician with a smirk "It takes roughly seven hours to die. Most don't make it to the second one, offing themselves just to escape the pain." He looked at the horrified politician speculatively "Not that you'd have the chance... being kinda tied and all."

Nishino slumped.

"What do you want?" Nishino asked resignedly.

"SO glad you asked!" the youth slammed his fist into his palm. "You have in your posession a cute little item I kind of fancy. It is black, covered in leather and has your whole network of spies, bribed officials and other such fun things listed. I want it. Preferably now." he said cheerfully

Nishino looked at his captor sullenly, before rattling off the instructions.

The blonde recovered the items carefully, checking for traps, explosive tags and other security measures. He examined the ledger using the decoder to read several pages at random, before noddin to himself in satisfaction.

"Good boy." He patted the man's head, face twisting into a large smile "Now, since you've been such a nice, obidient little corrupt official, you're getting your sweet, sweet venom. Let it never be said that Uzumaki Naruto never keeps his word." the blonde opened the vial and brough it to the man's lips.

Nishino swallowed the venom, feeling the watery poison drip down his throat.

"Now... That wasn't so bad, now was it?" Naruto said pleasantly, looking at his captor.

Nishino nodded, closing his eyes.

'At least I'll die in peac-' he opened his eyes. 'What the...?' he coughed, feeling a strange tickling in his veins. Tickling that soon changed into a feeling of thousands ants crowding his blood vessels, twisiing furiously. Ants, he noticed, that started BITING.

He stared at the assassin in horror.

"The venom...! You promised!" he choked out, feeling the pain increase.

"And I kept my word." The boy said calmly. "Though I might have neglected to tell you that I laced your morning miso with an extract made from a certain snail shell which has shall we say... rather unpleasant reaction to Kuruga venom."

"That feeling in your veins? One of the biting ants marching through your vessels and so forth? Well chump, hate to say it, but it's gonna get worse," the boy drawled lazily, his dagger jumping into his hand seemingly out of nowhere as he started to twirl it

"In fact, this is downright pleasant to what comes next. Before the hour is over, when you'll be covered in your vomit, blood, shit and piss... you'll be begging to die. And you will. Believe me. But not before experiencing the joys of being burned alive from inside out, your organs decaying with each breath. Slowly... Inevitably... Second by second, you'll rot from insde out. And you'll feel each and every moment if it."

The man tried to speak, but his jaw somewhow clenched itself tight.

"While I'd like to stay as professional like I usually am... I really CAN'T." the blonde sighed.

"I usually don't have such problems, really, but this time... " Naruto shook his head before sliding his dagger to the sheath hidden at the back of his jacket "This time I feel the need to get... personal."

He walked up to the window, putting his hand at the glass, eyes far away.

"You see... There was once this girl." he said softly "Young, vibrant, pretty girl. With hair like a purest silk, umblemished, ethereal face of a goddes, eyes of purest jade and a smile that could out shine the sun itself." he slid his hand up, as if catching the morning sun.

"And there was this man... A noble. Not as young like her, but still young and handsome. And rich. He lusted after the girl at a first sight. He did everything he could to win her. Expensive gifts, rarest flowers, lovely poems...
No expense was spared to woo her.

The girl was young, naive and foolish. She fell in love. To her it didn't matter he was older, or that he was form a noble clan that would never accept her.

She was blinded by what she thought was love. So when he asked to come to her bed, she had welcomed him with joy." Naruto turned from the window, his eyes two chips of hard ice.

"But you know that story, don't you Katori Nishino of the most noble Katori Clan?" he spat. "You know how it ended as well, don't you? How the girl became pregnant and told her lover that they would have a child.The lover who, fearful for his position, fearful of being disowned by his father for fathering a child with a poor, low class commoner and - most importantly - fearful of losing infulence he gained if the scandal was to be made known, ordered several thugs to beat her. Which they did. Savagely." The blonde's eyes burned with a cold menace almost dwarfing Katori's pain.

"Raping her, killing her unborn child and leaving her broken and half DEAD!" the blonde reared, his fist crushing a hole into a sturdy brick wall as if it was made of paper. "She lost her child. She lost her beauty. Even her family, shamed by their daughter's 'misconduct' and 'loose morals', furious that they won't be able to use her pretty face to get a good dowry for her, didn't want to have anything to do with her and threw her away. Like trash. But they didn't just throw her out, oh no." he said bitterly. "They figured that since they can't have a dowry, they'd at least have SOMETHING. So they sold her ot the cheapest, lowest brothel they could find." Naruto clenched his fist, before relaxing.

"But as I said before... You know that. No need to tell the story to YOU, of all people." he said softly "But... You see... This was not the end. The girl perservered. Healed. Salvaged as much of her beuty as she could and, later, with the help from the best medic nins money could buy, made herself even more beautiful. She learned. Grew stronger. Wiser." Naruto smiled nastily "She learend the lessons of betrayal, of trust and love... And they served her well.

She learned how to manipulate men and women alike, how to exploit others, how to lure them in. How to USE them... And how to destroy them. She grew powerful. Ruthless. Skilled. But she never lost that little human spark." The blonde's eyes held a far away look. "When she met a small child abandoned by all, lost in country not his own, hungry and on the verge of death in a cold winter in a middle of war... she didn't hesitate to open her arms. She didn't hit, spat or ignore. She took the child in. Nurtured. Taught. Loved. And though their time was brief and they were torn apart by war... The child had NOT forgotten. I had never forgotten." to shards of ice melted into azure pools of utter hatred "So you see... When she called to me... after all these years... How could I say no? After all, I planned on killing you for free when I came here anyway." Naruto chuckled darkly.

"Though I bet you wonder about the ledger... I told you she grew powerful, didn't I? With her own influence and that little black book..." he shook his head with a grin. "I'm sure a smart man like you can connect the dots, right?"

"So die, Katori Nishino. Die slowly, painfully and with a knowledge that your death will lleave her most powerful person in the River country." Naruto patted his head in an almost friendly way "And with the knowledge and power that that little ledger will allow her to use in Mist... Heh. The Mist Daimyo is decadent, the Mizukage is weak and greedy. Soon, she will be able to be as much a power behind the throne as she is here without too much problem. And with those words... I bid you goodbye. Suffer. Scream. And die." he made a mocking bow before calmly walking out of the room.


She laid by the firepalce like a cat, lazily admiring the ink painting. The thing had been made by one of her clients, a faous painter who came to her establishment for an... inspiration.

Lazy smirk bloomed on her bautiful face.

Face that the cosmetic touches of medic nins not only restored, but also made an even more of an exaple of haunting perfection and lure of utter beauty, a devastating weapon in her skilled hands.

'Men... so easy to tempt.' she thought amusedly 'So easy to control.'

Well, not that women are much different.' she amended herself

Her fingers traced the elaborate pattern of her master crafted yukata worth more than some small villages. Another gift from an admirer. This time a star struck noblewoman.

She closed her eyes, laying on the warm floor made by foremost crafter in the river country. The man was a true master - she couldn't find, even with her sense of touch, where the wood panels connected. And he didn't use any kind of glue or bolts, too. Excuisite. Like everthing she owned now.

She swept her palms over the smooth floor with a happy sigh before freezing.

'And what's this?' she thought tracing the obviously leathery shape
'That wasn't here before... What coul...' She opened her eyes and rose enrgetically.

She smiled, touching the letherbound ledger gently.

"Naruto, Naruto, Naruto..." she laughed softly "Such a sweet boy. You really do know what to give a woman to melt her heart straight away."

"I take it you like?" he smiled, sitting by the fire place in a comfortable postion as if he had been relaxing for quite a while, instead of appearing just seconds before. Though he could have been here for hours, watching over her. You never knew with the young assassin. He loved to keep people of guard. Even her, no matter how he loved her. Something learend during the Northern War, no doubt.

"Oh of course." she smiled happily "Collection of information on smuggling rings, dirty politicians and levelrages needeed to get them to move... It's almost like Christmas time a million. What woman wouldn't want such a sweet present?"

"One who isn't a scheming courtesan holding whole courts in her hands, insanely powerful crime lord and a buisiness woman rolled into one." Naruto deapanned.

"Details, details. Don't bother me with them." she waved her hand airly, before sitting comfortably and patting the luxorious rug on which she was sitting "C'mere, kiddo."

Naruto shifted uncomfortably.

"Ain't I kind of... you know, too old for that?" he protested weakly.

"Not to me you aren't. Now come and sit." she pointed her delicate finger.

"Yes, Midori-nee." he sighed, crawling to the rug and laying his head on Midori's knees. The courtesan caressed her one-time ward's hair in a well practiced move, starting to hum an old tune, one that she knew calmed Naruto down.

The young ninja allowed his face to relax, closing his eyes and for yet another time, she was struck with hos young he looked when he did that. Almost like a carefree, cute boy instead of a terryfingly efficent soldier and one of the deadliest shinobi she had ever met.

And since she met the best among Mist Seven, not to mention Glacier country Hyougen elite, that was saying something.

"I like you like that." she murmured, running her fingers through the sun kissed hair gently.

"Like what? Helpless and a putty in your hands?" he asked lazily, without opening his eyes.

She laughed softly.

"No. Though that's an amusing thought. I mean calm. Relaxed." she traced his muscles, compact and not bulky by any masure, an impressive sight on a thirteen year old "I don't think I have ever seen you relax when you're not like that."

"I can't." he muttered sleepily

"I know." she whispered.

Without any words, she hummed a lullaby that gently invited sleep free of nightmares and blood on the snow, instead filled with fresh scent of jasmine and silky touch of her hair.


He calmly raised the cup to his mouth. Though he had been parched, practically running most of the way for several days straigth, Midori-nee took time to teach him good manners. Some of them even stuck.

He sighed, putting down the cup and looking at the girl.

Contrary to Midori, she could never be called a classic beauty. Her cheeckbones were a little to sharp, her lips tad too wide and figure too tall and well muscled from the work in the forge to be called very feminime.

Not that Madoka minded. She was a blacksmith first. Everythin else was secondary at best.

"So, how is he?" Naruto asked finally

"Not good." her usually boisterous personality was subdued, the tomboyish blacksmith looked tired. Worn. Sad. All of it rolled together and then some. "You know... I KNEW he was old. He had been before you or I even met him but... It somehow never really stuck, you know?" she said, starting into her cup "He had always so much goddamn ENERGY. So much zest for life..." she shook her head. "He was like one of those Immortal Hermits of legend. I always thought on some level he would be around forever, shouting, being a general pain in the ass and showing me my place in the forge with that smirk and that stupid, hyena-like cackling." she slammed the cotainer agrily "And then he goes and does something like that... GOD it pissess me off!" she muttered

"It's not his fault." Naruto said with a sigh

"Yes it fucking IS." she snarled "Midori-sama's medics TOLD him to take it easy! To rest, to sleep at least six hours a day and eat normal meals... And what does he do? He works his hands to the bone, barely sleeping,barely eating because of that damn sword!" she snapped

Naruto winced.

"Sorry." he muttered apolegtically

"Not your fault." Madoka snorted "If you didn't bring the Raijin, he'd go about building something on his own, maybe dig the design for that goddamn Hamon project of his. He'd get the stroke either way. He's just stupid that way."

Naruto smiled thinly.

"I guess you're right." he said shaking his head "Genjuro is Genjuro is Genjuro."

"Yeah." she closed her eyes with a sigh "That he is." She opened her eyes rapidly, snapping her fingers. "Which reminds me..."

She got up, walking tot he huge storage closet, rummaging through it for a few seconds, muttering under ehr nose.

Naruto winced, hearing several crashes and muffled curses, before a scream of triumph made itself known.

"A-HA!" Madoka crowed, crawling out of the closet dirty and with a riped sleeve, but grinning and with two smal bundles of cloth, one white and one black in tow. "I KNEW I had it there!" she said truimpanthly.

She threw the bundles to Naruto, who caught them curiously.

"The white one contains your classic, old fashioned Raijin." she pointed the white bundle "But the black one..." she smirked gleefully "Well, why don't you open and see, 'kay?"

Naruto raised an eyebrow, before shrugging and unraveling the bundle only for his eyes to widen when he saw the grey hilt with a long strip of silk-like cloth tied around the upper part.

"Let me give you... Raikei." Madoka said with glee "The utter, complete fucking REVOLUTION in chakra blade development."

"Thunder thorn... Catchy name." Naruto muttered, taking the hilt and givng it a careful once over.

"C'mon. Channel some chakra through it." Madoka was like a small kid on a sugar high that just drank coffe. She almost bounced in place frantically. "C'mon, c'mon! "

"Okay, okay! Sheeesh." the blonde rolled his eyes, channeling small amount of chakra the same way he used to for the brief time he used the Raijin after taking it from that renegade Konoha nin

The blade hummed briefely, before the cloth suddenly unraveled with a crack, forming a straigth line akin to a blade.

"Kinda loud." Naruto noticed, taking a few careful swings. The cloth really behaved like normal blade, even if he couldn't feel it's weigth. The reistance was there but less than one would expect from a normal sword. 'Fascinating. Even with less mass... This is MUCH better to handle than Raijin in comfort alone.'

"Not really It's loud only because it's adapting to your chakra. In a few hours it'll be silent like tomb, no matter what you'll do. Just channel small bit of chakra through it from time to time and keep it close for a day or two and it'll imprint fully."

Naruto nodded.

"So what does it do?" he asked curiously.

"Well, aside from making a dman sharp sword that is basically indestructible and will never dull as long as chakra is used, you mean?" she smirked "Plenty. It channels chakra like Raijin does, though it is far more precise. No sloppy backlash anymore, which means you could use it few meters from an ANBU-class nin and they wouldn't be able to feel a tiniest bit of chakra spent. You can channel any Raiton jutsu through it, you can channel it straigth TO the blade to amplify the sword instead of just using the sword to amplify the jutsu." she grinned madly "Let me tell you - cutting power gets off the fucking scale if you know what you're doing. With enough chakra and control like yours... There is NOTHING in this world this cute thorn can't turn into sashimi."

Naruto's eyberows shot up. Now THAT was useful.

"You can store raiton jutsus in it. Limited in number and only lower level.. And you need to create initial frame work for the containment seal, but! Since Raikei amplifies the raiton anyway..." Madoka shruggged. "That would be about all. Well, there is also an option to use it as a whip in a pinch but I wouldn't recommend that. Even if it can't cut you, the diffusion backlash if you hit yourself... OUH." she winced.

"I can't cut mysef?" Naruto asked with interest.

"Nope." she grinned "Since it channels and amplifies your chakra and cuts WITH hyperdense chakra flux, you can't so much as scrap your skin with it. And once it imprints your chakra signature fully, you'll be the only person able to use it as well. For anybody else it will be a stick with a long ribbon."

"Niiice." The blonde shinobi whistled "Still, if it cuts with chakra, what about chakra leeches?"

"Mostly useless against Raikei." Madoka shook her head "That's one of the reasons it's superior to Raijin. Since it doesn't 'leak' like Raijin did, complete absorbtion or diffusion is impossible. Though I'd guess it'll be somewhat less effective when it comes to cutting power or jutsu channeling, it should still beheave, at worst, like a very sharp sword. It won't loose shape or edge or anything."

"Cool." Naruto grinned, sliding the weapon to his hidden harness inside the jacket. "You and the old man have outdone yourself this time. I can't wait to try it out."

"Well you might be less enthusiastic when you get the price tag." muttered the young blacksmith, her eyes looking anywhere but the blonde ninja's face

"Oh I don't llike that look. Last time you had it I had gone on that fucking disaster of a goose chase trying to track down that Raiga idiot." Naruto said suspiciously "And let me tell you, I'm NOT doing that shit again any time soon."

"Well it shouldn't be quite THAT bad." She said with a blush "All we need are..." she muttered

"You know, even my extremely sharp ears can't hear when you MUMBLE like that." Naruto said with a strangely skinking feeling developing inside his stomach.

"Well I said that we... uh.. kind of need Nidaime's notes on the Raijin?" she said meekly.


"Excuse me?" asked Naruto flatly "I do hope I misheard. Did you just say you need notes written by Nidaime HOKAGE? As in the long dead kage of KONOHA? You know, the same village I ran away from when I was SIX because they tried to KILL ME?! Because I sure as HELL hope you are mistaken, since I kind of don't want to return there, for obvious reasons." He said sarcastically

Madoka stared.

"Oh. You really ARE serious." Naruto closed his eyes, feeling the hedeache forming.

"No." he snapped. "Not only no, but HELL no. I haven't seen Konoha or even the Fire country for the last seven years and I'm perfectly happy with that. I'm NOT going."

Madoka looked at him with sad eyes.

"Don''t even try." he growled "First of all, id won't work since I knew how you operate. Second... Konoha tried to kill me once, damned if I give them a chance to do so again. Besides, I'd propably go on a rampage inside that damn village if they tried to pull some shit and I REALLY don't need hunter nins after me. More than they already are, that is." he muttered 'Thoug Ame hunter-nins are really too pathetic to be called such.'

Madoka's eyes truned glassy and large.

"Are you DEAF woman?!" the blonde sneered "I said I'm NOT going! And puppy dog eyes don't move me after the Raiga stunt, so get it out of your head!"

Madoka's lower lip quivered.


Naruto stared at the Konoha's wooden gates and kicked a small peppble petulantly.

'I am SUCH a wimp.' he thought sullenly

Anonymous said...

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very handy, thanx a lot for this article .. This was what I was looking for.

Anonymous said...

excellent points and the details are more precise than elsewhere, thanks.

- Norman