Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Sayonara Ms. Fashionista

*Sigh* I asked Kyle to help me with the screenshots of my Audition character because I wanted to join the contest "Ms. Fashionista" for this month of March. Days or weeks passed by, he asked me to go to his house and bring my laptop but my cellphone is broken (it shuts down and doesn't want to open) that's why I got his message late that I can't go out of our house anymore because dadidudez is home already. He told me the other day that he would've take the printscreens if I got to his house when he asked me to go there. I even told him awhile ago that some people in Audition wants to vote for my character, so that makes me more excited...he just turned me down. He told me "Practice lng yan". Practice to take my own printscreens while I play. Oh great! I even tried that many times, it's too hard pressing all the "directions (arrows)" and "spacebar" below the keyboard then you still have to press the "printscreen" above the keyboard, by the time I pressed the printscreen, my character is not dancing anymore. I envy those who were able to join, they have lots of beautiful screenshots, every move of their characters has it's own screenshots as well. I just wish Kyle would help me out, but he won't do it. We'll just have arguments so might as well stop dreaming of joining the Ms. Fashionista contest.

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