Wednesday, March 07, 2007

"Maling Akala"

I thought things between me and Kyle are ok now but I'm wrong. For Kyle, we're ok because I'm the one who always go to him, call him, talk to him, take away my pride if there's any fights or arguments and etc. I'm starting to get full. Can't even depend on him especially when I ask help from him. I don't even feel his love anymore. I'm too confused with the feelings I have now. I'm trying to push myself to him while he's trying to push himself away from me.

I'm already trying to leave all the past memories me and Kyle had because all of his promises are not coming anymore. I don't want to dwell with all his promises to me. I don't even want to keep his promises anymore or else I'll just end up getting hurt and nothing.

I know that I have another book to close that wouldn't close because I only keep on coming back to him (Kyle). Honestly, I should learn to stop loving him. I'm trying to take this one step at a time - can't do it once and for all. I still love him even if I don't get or feel his love for me. Hopefully, I can close our book little by little. Maybe this will help me move on and just treat him as a friend or buddy. In that way, I can still be with him and not only love him in distance but beside me always.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back to reality! Welcome back to life! Finally, you've realized your mistake. Finally, your ready to move on. For a while there I was worried you chose to keep on pretending, I was worried you'd choose to keep on "dreaming" that one day, everything will return back to the way it was when your relationship with him was starting. But thank God you've come to your senses! Welcome back to the real world One-chan!

Anonymous said...

as much as i want to agree with what real geo hound said, i would tell you that based on experience: its going to be hard ... again, we are here when u need us to help you along the way...

as shadowskill once said:

'i will be the shield that protects you, and you will be my sword'