Thursday, March 10, 2005


Waahhh.. My officemates and I was cornered by those GMA camera man and interviewer as we go to Mcdo this lunch. -__- I really don't want to be interviewed but the guy who was kinda in-charge with them insisted! Grrr!! They locked me up to a corner and he started to roll the camera!! T_T I had almost 3-cuts from the camera since at first, they took a shot of me saying "Anu sasabihin ko?!" (with my hands up). -__- The man who was in-charge told the camera man to stop. -__- Sis Cheska told me that I shouldn't worry coz she'll coach me to what I should answer and that made me kinda nervous. The guy who's in-charge shouted to roll again and the first question was: "Are you beautiful?", I couldn't answer and look at Sis Cheska coaching me to say "Yes!", so I answered "Yes!". -__- The man who's in-charge there said "Cut!" again. -__- The girl told me that I should answer in complete. Before the camera starts to roll again, Sis Cheska coached me to say "Yes, I am beautiful!", so copy what Sis Cheska coached me. T_T Waahhh!! A big WAAHHH!!! T_T Huhuhu.. After the interview, I just can't believe I've just said "Yes, I am beautiful!!". @_@ Grrr!! I hate that whoever is in-charge guy!! /PIF

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