Sunday, February 06, 2005

He Didn’t Show Up

I really wish my Sweet were drunk again so he could tell me things like “tom. You can purr..”, “ok, tom. I’ll bot your forger..” and stuffs. He told me last Thurs. we’d meet today, Saturday, in Eastwood but he didn’t show up. Everything hasn’t been falling into place, I expected too much since he told me he’d visit me in Eastwood today. I was so hurt since I thought I could be with my Sweet Weightless tonight. I waited until 11pm but I gave up. I was longing for him to say “I love you”, I was longing to feel him, and to be with him. I don’t know what to do… I haven’t heard the I love you from him for almost a month.. T-T I really miss my Sweet Weightless so much.. T-T

Thanks so much to Bayz, Sis Kaye and Kyle who went to Eastwood and gave me their company. If it wasn't for them, I might be crying until now and stuck at my bed...

***: The walk along Eastwood was refreshing, but Parfait’s sad face made the fresh air and the warm smiles of the people absent to me. It was painful to feel her agony, and that I sympathize with her with all I can. <-------- Asa LJ entry ko
***: The songs Parfait sang were too much for me. I could see it in her eyes, that she feels the song in her, and sings her tears out through her voice. <---- eto pa

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