Friday, February 04, 2005

I Don't Feel Like Sending It

I was about to send Weightless and ParFaiT's Love Story to RO contest when my Sweet told me to forget about the RO sentimentals that I shouldn't treasure and think of anything that is with Weightless and ParFaiT... T-T I couldn't help but cry when my Sweet told me that. T-T I don't feel like sending it anymore so..I just want to post it here... T-T It's been a short one coz it should be wirtten (maximum by 300 words) only.. Here goes... T-T

" A new journey of life starts in Midgard. This is not only a Blacksmith & Priestess Tale but also “In Real Life”. We’ll never expect who will come to our lives, it may be our true love.

It started when I had my Swordie, I really wanted to have an elemental “Wind Katana” but I haven’t had enough zenny to buy one. Lucky, my friend traded some of my items and was able to give me “Weightless’s Wind Katana”. I was so happy that I owned a nice name inscribed on it! Until I became a Knight, I have to buy another elemental weapon, which is “Wind Pike”. So I shopped around Prontera to see if I can trade some of my items. After I walk around Prontera, a blacksmith caught my attention and in my shock, it was my idol Weightless vending his elementals! I went to talk to him many times if I can trade his elementals but Weightless keeps on turning down my offers. He’s somewhat “suplado”!

Then I made my Priestess to see if I can have his elemental trade but I was just turned down again. Until he invited me for RO date last 2/14/04. I was so speechless when my idol Weightless asked me, without hesitation I said “yes!”. He proposed to marry my priestess and decided we’d meet IRL. The time we met was love at first sight, I really can’t forget that day! We were so inlove!! /lv Thanks to RO!! :) "

There, so even if I wasn't able to submit it to RO.. still..I was able to post it here... I think I shouldn't believe in true love even if I do... T-T

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