Saturday, February 05, 2005

Move On Gurl..!!

Another day of struggling with hurt and pains I’m dealing with. I envy Sis Kaye coz my Sweet Weightless loves Kaye rather than me. They’ve been in Private Servers most of the time enjoying and leaving me alone in real RO World. Who am I to my Sweet anyway? Nothing.. Stupid me… I’m just a plain simple gurl who keeps on pushing and throwing myself to my Sweet Weightless who doesn’t even love me anymore. How can I get my Sweet Weightless back? It just hurt me to think that I’m the one who’s been following my Sweet since I know we’re having a one-way relationship. He doesn’t know how to say I love you to me, he doesn’t know how to love me for who I am, and he’s so damn “manhid”. I know that I’m the one who’s still cannot move on coz I love him so much and he’s been a part of me… I can’t afford to lose my Sweet…..

The day is about to end, new struggles of life will come in soon. I keep on telling me not to have any RO Sentimental from what my Sweet told me to. It’s been last year, Feb.14,2004 when I met my Sweet Weightless in RO. It was really a memorable day for me and ParFaiT! But.. I have to try to forget it since this month of February just makes me fall deeper and reminisce to how me and my Sweet Weightless met. I couldn’t even tell my Sweet that I remember those times in Orcville and stuffs or else I’m doomed. I told myself I shouldn’t expect anything since my Sweet Weightless won’t be inviting me and ParFaiT to spend a valentines date with him this coming Feb.14 in RO coz he’s been attached to the Private Server with his cousin and he doesn’t want any RO Sentimentals. If I’ll think of it, it’ll just break my heart and at the same time as for ParFaiT…
I wish I could just take majority of my feelings and love away from my Sweet Weightless so I can be just like him, “manhid” and that I can lessen the hurt and pains. It’s really a big risk, when that happens I might become cold to my Sweet… Like I said… I already found my destiny was my Sweet Weightless…!! I just hope he feels the same way and he’ll believe me… But I just can’t tell him coz he will not believe me and he’ll get mad at me for saying these things. It’s really hard to share these things with the one you love when you are pushing yourself to the man you love when they don’t love you… It won’t mean anything to them instead they’ll only laugh at you.....

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